7:00 am
Networking Breakfast

8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Securing Organizational Buy-in to Analytics

8:10 am Cultivating a Data-Driven Culture & Engaging Employees to Explore Data Further to Gain Improved Insights

  • Amy Blank Director of Information Technology Operations, Ellingson Companies


  • Communicating the role and value of data in a way that will benefit employees through reducing work stress, and boost efficiency to change their mindset on analytics
  • Understanding the pain points employees face when collecting and using data to create a solution that works for them
  • Discussing strategies and best practices for increasing user engagement with digestible dashboards so they can interact with analytics more frequently and effectively, encouraging data-based discussions at all levels of your organization

8:50 am How to Build an AI Copilot with Your Data

9:20 am Panel Discussion: Securing Leadership Buy-In to Increase Analytics Investment


  • Connecting leadership with your data vision and strategy, and its measurable benefits to increase their buy-in to the adoption of analytics tools
  • Obtaining the necessary resources from business owners and stakeholders to drive initiatives forward, particularly in the face of resistance or pushback from field personnel or existing management
  • Harnessing this insight to build a compelling case for how analytics can optimize decision making, improve operations, and contribute to the organization’s overall success: what were the triggers for buy-in from our senior leaders?

10:00 am
Morning Refreshments


Maximizing Data Connectivity

10:40 am Connecting Data Points Across Cloud Based Systems to Enhance the Speed & Accuracy of Business Data


  • Identifying the common connection points used to integrate data from multiple systems and sources
  • Evaluating best practice options for integrating required data points between systems to ensure timeliness and accuracy
  • Building integrations between business data across systems to improve the speed and accuracy of information
  • Preventing data inconsistencies by reducing or replacing manual data transfer methods to ensure data integrity and improve the reliability of information

11:20 am Case Study: Navigating Efficiency With Data Warehouses & Low/No-Code Applications


  • Understand how a connected data warehouse supported by low/no-code applications improves the quality of data collection and integration
  • Grasping how low/no-code solutions serve as the essential “navigation system” for efficient data collection and automation.
  • Recognizing the pivotal role of assembling the right “car” (data warehouse), ensuring scalability, performance, and adaptability


Optimizing Data Utilization

10:40 am Audience Discussion: Improving Vendor Management to Maximize Flexibility for Your Business Needs


  • Reviewing the potential costs, challenges, and contractual clauses related to data access when switching vendors
  • Addressing challenges caused by vendors who overpromise services but provide rigid solutions and inflexible API cloud offerings
  • Establishing vendor communication and collaboration protocols to get support when needed and enhance flexibility

11:20 am Exploring SQL Fundamentals: Setting Up, Querying & Data Retrieval Techniques


  • Learning how to install and configure an SQL server
  • Writing SQL queries to extract precise, project-critical information from your database with ease
  • Exploring techniques for filtering and sorting data to extract the most relevant information for data-driven decision making


Enhancing Asset Management & Safety Compliance

10:40 am Case Study: Executing Effective Asset Management to Understand the ROI of Your Equipment


  • Tracking and analyzing equipment utilization, identifying key pieces of equipment, and optimizing resource allocation to prevent downtime on job sites
  • Using data analytics to predict when equipment maintenance is needed and to determine the optimal point to dispose of machinery to minimize costs
  • Estimating the future residual market value of equipment to optimize equipment lifecycle and profitability

11:20 am Advancing Safety Reporting & Training to Enhance Workplace Safety


  • Digitizing and streamlining safety processes for better tracking and reporting
  • Integrating safety data with training data to identify patterns and determine when individuals may require safety training based on incidents
  • Leveraging predictive analytics to identify potential safety risks and proactively address them

12:30 pm
Lunch Break

Creating a Data Fluent Organization

1:30 pm Upskilling Field Teams & Employees to Use Data Confidently & Prioritizing the Integrity of Manual Data Entry

  • Jad Chalhoub Director of Business Analytics, Rosendin Electric, Inc.


  • Recognizing the value of comprehensive training and data fluency programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge required to use new software
  • Creating an internal data talent pipeline that allows employees to upskill and reskill faster to be able to use data confidently and effectively
  • Training field teams to enter data correctly the first time around to prevent errors, minimize rework, and ensure the integrity of data

2:10 pm Panel Discussion: Exploring the Future of Construction Analytics

  • Collin Crossland Business Intelligence Analyst, Crossland Construction
  • Jad Chalhoub Director of Business Analytics, Rosendin Electric, Inc.
  • Andrew Pitcher Data Analyst & Integrations Manager, Bartlett Cocke
  • Peter Young Information Technology Director, Enterprise Architecture, Granite Construction


  • Learning how machine learning and automation will redefine project planning and risk assessment, improving project performance, and cost control
  • Discovering how predictive analytics will transition from providing insights on historical data to making real-time predictions that enable businesses to respond immediately to changing conditions
  • Evaluating the impact and potential of evolving technologies such as Microsoft Fabric for transforming your analytics goals
  • Understanding the increasing importance of data ethics and privacy considerations as analytics tools become more integrated into the industry

2:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:00 pm End of Conference