Workshop B: Improving Your Hiring Strategy & Departmental Structure

Time: 1:00 pm
day: Pre-Conference Day Workshop D


In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics and construction, having the right people in the right roles is paramount to success. Join our leaders as they provide you with invaluable insights and strategies essential for staffing success.

  • Understanding the different staffing, roles, and responsibilities associated with data analytics to build out your team and accelerate the use and adoption of analytics
  • Determining when to scale your department to create a centralized data team in lieu of self-service analytics
  • Striking the balance between analysts or IT professionals, and individuals with a technical or construction background, to ensure your team effectively create and interpret data in the right way
  • Discussing how the evolution of data science is changing the way IT departments operate and the new skillsets needed within your team to fully harness its full potential
