Sarah Griffin

Sarah Griffin

Company: Turner Construction Co

Job title: Data Analyst


Panel Discussion: Prioritizing the Most Profitable Analytics Initiatives for Business Growth 4:00 pm

Discussing the analytics strategies that generate the highest return on investment: what are the low hanging fruits? Aligning your analytics strategies with your organization’s broader business objectives to ensure that investments contribute directly to business growth and success Learning the different methods and tools for quantifying and measuring the ROI for various analytics initiatives, including…Read more

day: Day One PM Track 3

Case Study: Building a Robust Data Governance Strategy to Streamline Data Operations 10:40 am

Implementing data governance practices: why is it important and how do you get everyone on board? Gaining insight into the day-to-day operations of data governance: determining the optimal frequency of tasks and the roles played by each department Reflecting on the challenges and obstacles encountered during a data governance journey and lessons learned to overcome…Read more

day: Day One AM 2

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